Success is normally found in a pile of mistakes ~ You can't attain success if you are afraid of failing again
Sweety Blog

District 13, class the 13th :)
Ahad, 28 September 2014 ? 0 Budak Comel ?
Assalamualaikum readers :)
 Yeay! Its about the end of semester 1 in UIA PJ. I'm so glad that i can go home and spend time again with my mak, abah and lovely adiks. However, I have to sit for few examinations before that. Hhuhu..soo takut. Coz i know i don't really preapare for this coming exam. Tomorrow will be EPT(English Placement Test) followed by APT(Arabic Placement Test) and Fardhu Ayn the next day. Mak, abah, friends...i need your dua'. These three exam will later determine whether i have to repeat the same paper(for fardhu ayn) or exit or up to level 2 for APT. I'm so nervous to know the results. Haha.

Since sem 1 is going to its end.....i would like to share a lot of things, moments, memories about Us. The District 13. The're my classmate, my friends, my love, my reasons why i still here. Thank you very much for being the great over the greatest friends i ever have. Even though we just met 3 month..we can live like siblings, support , tease, teach and love each other. OMO, i'm so sad that we're not gonna be in the same group in the next semester. It feels like urgggg.....Nevertheless, i hope we still together. Again, thanks a lot for made my days here full of colors and laugh.

the first picture of us i think. Capture by Brother mana entah. By Ipad mini-mia punya.

While waiting for bus,we were heading to KFC.
Farewell. Mia was going to leave us.

Us. Ladies.Sisters.Love uolls.

Tak tau nak kata apa daaaa~

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Last day of our Arabic class with ustaz Naqi.
Thank you ustaz for being so patient teaching us. Kindergarten students.

Seman bajet semaatt.

These are the only brother among the sisters.

Once friend,forever friend.Insya allah.

May our friendship last forever.Hope so. Even though we have to be separated, we're still in the same campus. La tahzan ya asdiqaie....we still can meet each other,spend time together like we used to.

Thanks for reading :)

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